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So far [email protected] has created 145 entries.

Can Safaris Help Save Rhino? – Part 2

In his last blog, “Can Safaris Help Save Rhino – Part 1”, Jeff introduced us to Desert Rhino Camp, a unique partnership and approach that aims to demonstrate how tourism can contribute towards rhino conservation.

Jeff Muntifering, Minnesota Zoo Conservation Biologist, Photo by David John Weber

Jeff Muntifering, Conservation Biologist […]

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    Habitat loss and human-wildlife conflict in the land of Malayan and Sumatran tigers

Habitat loss and human-wildlife conflict in the land of Malayan and Sumatran tigers

Dr. Tara Harris, Vice President for Conservation at the Minnesota Zoo, and Coordinator of the Association of Zoos & Aquariums’ Tiger Species Survival Plan and Tiger Conservation Campaign, is visiting tiger conservation projects in Malaysia and Indonesia.  Conducted by WCS-Malaysia and WCS-Indonesia, these projects are supported by numerous zoos, individuals, and others through the […]

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    Sumatra’s Leuser Ecosystem: home to tigers, rhinos, orangutans, elephants and more

Sumatra’s Leuser Ecosystem: home to tigers, rhinos, orangutans, elephants and more

Dr. Tara Harris, Vice President for Conservation at the Minnesota Zoo, and Coordinator of the Association of Zoos & Aquariums’ Tiger Species Survival Plan and Tiger Conservation Campaign, is visiting tiger conservation projects in Malaysia and Indonesia. Conducted by WCS-Malaysia and WCS-Indonesia, these projects are supported by numerous zoos, individuals, and others through the […]

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    Combating poaching of tigers and other wildlife in Malaysia’s Endau-Rompin Landscape

Combating poaching of tigers and other wildlife in Malaysia’s Endau-Rompin Landscape

Dr. Tara Harris, Vice President for Conservation at the Minnesota Zoo, and Coordinator of the Association of Zoos & Aquariums’ Tiger Species Survival Plan and Tiger Conservation Campaign, is visiting tiger conservation projects in Malaysia and Indonesia.  Conducted by WCS-Malaysia and WCS-Indonesia, these projects are supported by numerous zoos, individuals, and others through the […]

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    Searching for the Elusive Malayan Tiger, Endau Rompin Tiger Landscape

Searching for the Elusive Malayan Tiger, Endau Rompin Tiger Landscape

Dr. Tara Harris, Vice President for Conservation at the Minnesota Zoo, and Coordinator of the Association of Zoos & Aquariums’ Tiger Species Survival Plan and Tiger Conservation Campaign, is visiting tiger conservation projects in Malaysia and Indonesia.  Conducted by WCS-Malaysia and WCS-Indonesia, these projects are supported by numerous zoos, individuals, and others through the […]

Have you seen me?

Monarch “TGW 905” tagged by Minnesota Zoo Conservation Biologist staff at Glacial Lakes State Park. Sept 5, 2014As autumn arrives, an amazing natural wonder has been taking place in our backyards. Minnesota’s State Butterfly, the monarch butterfly, has begun its long annual journey south to […]

Plant For Pollinators

Could you live a world without chocolate? Can you imagine autumn in Minnesota without Halloween pumpkins or family weekends picking apples at your local orchard?  Did you have blueberries in your morning cereal?  Tomatoes in your sandwich? Would you make it to work on time every morning if coffee was 30% more expensive?

Studying Minnesota Moose

Dr. Kim VanderWaal is a postdoctoral research scientist in the Minnesota Zoo’s Conservation Department. She is studying the risks Minnesota moose face from parasites transmitted from white-tailed deer.

Researching wildlife is not always glamorous.  Indeed, I have found that some of the most valuable information about wild animals can be learned by studying what they […]