Global Tiger Day is July 29th!

Celebrate Global Tiger Day with the Minnesota Zoo on Monday, July 29! Discover how you can help these regal animals by taking our new pledge Read More

Wednesday, July 24, 2019|Big Cats, Tiger Conservation, Zoo News|

Time to wake up the caterpillars!

Many butterflies like Monarchs and Red Admirals migrate south to escape Minnesota’s frigid winters and return in the spring when the weather becomes gentler. Not Read More

Tuesday, May 7, 2019|Butterflies, Conservation|

Watch Out for Turtles on Roadways this Spring!

Why did the turtle cross the road? Well, turtles cross roads for a number of reasons, including searching for mates and moving between summer foraging Read More

Wednesday, May 1, 2019|Conservation, Turtles, Zoo News|

Don’t Worry, Bee Happy!

One of the sounds of spring is the return of buzzing insects. For many people though, that buzzing brings fears, especially of bee stings. Well, Read More

Thursday, April 25, 2019|Zoo News|

Rhino Update from Namibia

The Minnesota Zoo’s support for critically endangered black rhino conservation in southern Africa reached a decade in January, 2019! Zoo Conservation Biologist Dr. Jeff Muntifering, Read More

Wednesday, March 13, 2019|Black Rhino Conservation, Conservation|

Plastics in Our Oceans

We all use plastics in our daily lives. Unfortunately, the convenience and affordability of many of these items comes at an environmental cost. Because plastics Read More

Wednesday, February 13, 2019|Get Involved, Zoo News|

What do turtles do in the winter?

You may be familiar with turtles swimming among lily pads and basking on logs in the summer months, but where do they go when the Read More

Tuesday, January 29, 2019|Animal, Zoo News|

Planning a Future for Wildlife

The Conservation Planning Specialist Group (CPSG) began life at the Minnesota Zoo in 1979 under the leadership of Dr. Ulysses S. Seal, who at the Read More

Wednesday, November 28, 2018|Conservation, Zoo News|