Plant For Pollinators

Could you live a world without chocolate? Can you imagine autumn in Minnesota without Halloween pumpkins or family weekends picking apples at your local orchard?  Read More

Waking Up Some Real “Sleeping Beauties”

Did you know that the Minnesota Zoo’s Conservation Department is working hard behind the scenes to help save some of Minnesota’s (and the world’s!) most Read More

In the Field: Peregrine Falcon Part 1

The Minnesota Zoo is well known for its 485 acre facility in Apple Valley, Minnesota – just minutes away from the Mall of America. However Read More

Wednesday, June 4, 2014|Birds, Conservation, Minnesota Conservation|

The Wild Face of Climate Change: African Penguins

African penguins live in the cold ocean off coasts of South Africa, Namibia, and Mozambique. They move to the beach mostly to mate, nest, raise Read More

The Wild Face of Climate Change: Moose

The North American moose is seen by many as an iconic symbol of Minnesota’s North Woods. But around the world, moose at the southern edge Read More

Studying Wild Dholes in Thailand – May 2014

Dr. Kate Jenks is a Conservation Biologist at the Minnesota Zoo. She was recently in Thailand leading the Zoo’s efforts to save endangered dholes (otherwise Read More

Wednesday, May 21, 2014|Conservation, Dhole Conservation|

  • Permalink Gallery

    Fortify Food/FishSmart Sustainable Seafood Recipe Contest Results

Fortify Food/FishSmart Sustainable Seafood Recipe Contest Results

The Minnesota Zoo works hard to promote sustainable seafood education in the Twin Cities with our Fish Smart Program. In a recent collaboration with a Read More

Monday, May 19, 2014|Fish Smart|

NEW Lynx Kittens 2014

All together now, “Awwww….” The Minnesota Zoo is excited to announce the addition of four [adorable] Canada lynx kittens, born on Tuesday, May 6 along the Read More