There is quite literally music in the air and all it takes is a moment of pause to take it all in! The sounds of nature have inspired many composers and songwriters over the ages. Sitting quietly outside for a few minutes among the sounds of birds, frogs, and insects, as well as the sounds of wind, waves, and thunder, can be very calming and grounding. But it can also be creatively stimulating! 

If you have a musical instrument, try bringing it with you the next time you venture outdoors. Don’t forget your notebook to write down original compositions and song lyrics if you feel so inspired. And if you don’t own a musical instrument, you can easily make one with natural materials- even a rock and stick make a variety of musical sounds! And no musical background or training is necessary to participate- music is inherent in each and every one of us and we all have the capacity to create unique sound. What better way to tap into our creativity than by spending time in nature listening to the many sounds around us?

If you need more motivation, here are some tips and ideas to get you started!

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