Spring Break School’s Out Camps – Register Today!
March 21-25 or March 28-April 1
Register for individual days or all five days. Before and after care available.
African penguin
(Spheniscus demersus)
The African penguin is the only penguin species adapted to live in a warm climate.
Where They Live:
African penguins live in colonies on the coast and islands of southern Africa.
What They Eat:
African penguins eat small fish such as anchovies and sardines. They will also eat squid.
Test Your Knowledge! (answers below)
1. African penguins dive to find food. How long is an average dive for an African penguin?
a. 30 seconds b. 5 minutes c. 10 minutes d. 45 minutes
How many eggs does an African penguin usually lay during each breeding season?
a. two b. one c. five d. eight to ten
Which of the following animals is a predator of the African penguin?
a. cats b. gulls c. sharks d. seals e. all of the above
Fun Fact!
The black stripe and pattern of spots on an African penguin’s chest is unique to every penguin—like human fingerprints!
Alike and Different. Click here to download a fun Alike and Different African Penguin Activity Sheet
Answers: 1.b, 2.a, 3.e
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