Scientific name: Sphensicus demersus

Did You Know?
Even though they’re built for swimming, penguins are birds!  Unlike birds that fly, penguins have heavy bones for diving in the water.

Where They Live:
African penguins  live off the southern coast of Africa. While the waters they swim in are cold, these penguins don’t live on an icy landscape like some other penguins do.

What They Eat:
Small fish like sardines and anchovies are the most common food for these penguins.

Penguin Pop Quiz! (answers below)

  1. How fast can a penguin swim?
    a. 60 miles per hour     b. 5 miles per hour    c. 15 miles per hour     d. 100 miles per hour
  1. Penguins can eat a lot―about 15% of their body weight
    a. true     b. false
  1. Which of the following describes penguins?
    a. Penguins lay eggs under water    b. Singing and dancing are a penguin’s favorite activities   c. Feathers help keep a penguin warm and dry   d. Penguins can fly through the air

Penguins of the World
There are several species of penguin. The largest is the emperor penguin that weighs over 70 pounds. African penguins are small, but they aren’t the smallest. That prize goes to the fairy penguin that weighs only two pounds.

Joke of the Day: Where do penguins go to watch movies? At the dive-in!

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