Wildlife at the Zoo

Which animal is the first that comes to mind when you imagine the Minnesota Zoo? Perhaps the peppy penguins? The stealthy tigers? Or maybe you Read More

Wednesday, July 15, 2020|Animal, Conservation|

Coral Reef Awareness Week

Coral reefs have long captured the attention of humans through their breathtaking displays of color, intriguing shapes and structure, and the abundant life they attract. Read More

Threatened Wood Turtles Released Back Into the Wild

The Minnesota Zoo, in partnership with the Minnesota DNR, has been working diligently behind the scenes for the past year on a new and critical Read More

National Pollinator Week

Did you know that there are estimated to be approximately 200,000 species of pollinators?? Bees and butterflies might be the first that come to mind, Read More

A Flutter of Activity

While much of the world has slowed down over the past few months, there has been a recent flutter of activity for the Minnesota Zoo’s Read More

World Oceans Day

June 8, 2020 marks the 18th annual World Oceans Day, a day to celebrate and honor the role of oceans on our planet! We may Read More

Monday, June 1, 2020|Conservation|

Why Did the Turtle Cross the Road??

Bird song once again fills the treetops, the grass is greening, and turtles are emerging. It’s springtime in Minnesota! Each year, as lakes, rivers, and Read More

Reading with Rhinos

The Minnesota Zoo’s Black Rhino Project in Namibia is dedicated to protecting critically endangered rhinos through field research, tracking and monitoring, and community education and Read More