“Sheep Selfies” to Save Asian Wild Horses

I woke up to the wind howling fierce and battering the side of my ger (a traditional Mongolian round house).  The cloudless blue sky was Read More

Partners in Saving Wildlife

During the entire month of November, the Minnesota Zoo​ will be sharing stories of the many rescued and rehabilitated animals that we care for. All Read More

Sunday, November 29, 2015|Animal, Animal Rescue, Conservation|

Save Wildlife: Hawaiian Monk Seals

The Minnesota Zoo is committed to connecting people, animals and the natural world to save wildlife and we are working on project with great partners Read More

Friday, November 20, 2015|Animal, Animal Health, Conservation|

Saving Minnesota’s Prairie Butterflies

The Minnesota Zoo works around the world to save wildlife. Here in Minnesota, we have had an exciting summer and fall, helping our prairie wildlife Read More

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    Building Mussels at the Zoo? An Exercise in Freshwater Conservation.

Building Mussels at the Zoo? An Exercise in Freshwater Conservation.

By: Matt McLaughlin, Life Support Systems Coordinator The Minnesota Zoo has always placed great emphasis on conserving wildlife.  While we’ve been on the forefront of conservation Read More

Can Safaris Help Save Rhino? – Part 2

In his last blog, “Can Safaris Help Save Rhino – Part 1”, Jeff introduced us to Desert Rhino Camp, a unique partnership and approach that aims to demonstrate how tourism Read More

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    Habitat loss and human-wildlife conflict in the land of Malayan and Sumatran tigers

Habitat loss and human-wildlife conflict in the land of Malayan and Sumatran tigers

Dr. Tara Harris, Vice President for Conservation at the Minnesota Zoo, and Coordinator of the Association of Zoos & Aquariums’ Tiger Species Survival Plan and Read More

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    Sumatra’s Leuser Ecosystem: home to tigers, rhinos, orangutans, elephants and more

Sumatra’s Leuser Ecosystem: home to tigers, rhinos, orangutans, elephants and more

Dr. Tara Harris, Vice President for Conservation at the Minnesota Zoo, and Coordinator of the Association of Zoos & Aquariums’ Tiger Species Survival Plan and Read More