behind the scenes

    City Rabbits and Suburban Turkeys

    This past March, we announced a new collaboration between the Minnesota Zoo’s BioDiscovery Project and the Lincoln Park Zoo’s Urban Wildlife Institute. Katie Talbott, Coordinator for the BioDiscovery Project, has an update on their trail camera project!

    Along with gray squirrels, wild turkeys, like the male above, [...]
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      Waking Up Some Real “Sleeping Beauties”

      Skipper Lab

      Did you know that the Minnesota Zoo’s Conservation Department is working hard behind the scenes to help save some of Minnesota’s (and the world’s!) most endangered butterflies?   Partnering with many agencies, our Prairie Butterfly Conservation Program has recently been focusing our attention on […]

        NEW Lynx Kittens 2014

        All together now, “Awwww….” The Minnesota Zoo is excited to announce the addition of four [adorable] Canada lynx kittens, born on Tuesday, May 6 along the Medtronic Minnesota Trail! They are currently being cared for by their mom behind the scenes and will more than likely make a public debut in August 2014, when they […]

          Lemur Exhibit Gets a Little Greener

          Lemur Exhibit_2

          The lemur exhibit on the Tropics Trail was recently given a makeover. The Minnesota Zoo’s horticulture supervisor, Kim Thomas, and her team strategically worked on placing new plants in the lemur exhibit that are native to Madagascar. The new plant additions […]

          Thursday, March 13, 2014|Animal, Horticulture, Tropics Trail|

            How do we get the animals to take their medicine?

            April 1, 2013
            by Rachel Thompson, DVM

            You may be wondering how animal care staff at the Minnesota Zoo gets the animals to take their medicine. It’s often easier said than done!

            Some medicine, especially antibiotics, can taste very bitter. Very few zoo animals will swallow a pill whole and chase it with a glass of water, […]

            Sunday, June 30, 2013|Animal, Behind the Scenes|

              How do you know when a zoo animal is sick?

              by Dr. Rachel Thompson

              Zoo veterinarians are often asked how we know when an animal is sick. It’s a very good question! Our patients can’t tell us where it hurts, so we look at non-verbal cues to give us insight on their health status. This can be difficult, especially with prey species because they are […]

              Friday, June 28, 2013|Behind the Scenes, home-promo|