Help Save the Last True Wild Horse

Up until Memorial Day weekend you have the opportunity to help save Asian wild horses when you visit the Minnesota Zoo.  This species went completely Read More

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    Supporting Research on Critically Endangered White-Cheeked Gibbons

Supporting Research on Critically Endangered White-Cheeked Gibbons

By: Dr. Tara Harris, Vice President for Conservation and Laurie Trechsel, Zoologist with assistance from Dr. Camille Coudrat, Project Anoulak  The Minnesota Zoo is well Read More

Wednesday, January 28, 2015|Conservation, In The Field, Tropics Trail|

White-Tailed Deer Parasites Threaten Minnesota’s Moose

By Dr. Tara Harris, Vice President for Conservation, Minnesota Zoo A deer poops in the forest.  It happens all the time and you probably haven’t Read More

Demystifying the Giant Armadillo

The Minnesota Zoo is well known for its 485 acre facility in Apple Valley, Minnesota. However, people may be less familiar with the amazing work Read More

Tuesday, December 23, 2014|Conservation, In The Field|

BIG Support for Tiny Butterflies

We can do BIG things thanks to you! Be it rhinos or butterflies, the Minnesota Zoo is for the Big and the Small. With your Read More

Thailand Bound: Searching for Wild Dhole Part 2

The Minnesota Zoo is well known for its 485 acre facility in Apple Valley, Minnesota – just minutes away from the Mall of America. However Read More

12 Easy Ways to Help Save Wildlife

We think it is safe to say that most people are in favor of a healthier planet. Sometimes it can feel intimidating or overwhelming when Read More

Monday, November 24, 2014|Conservation, Get Involved|

Thailand Bound: Searching for Wild Dhole Part 1

The Minnesota Zoo is well known for its 485 acre facility in Apple Valley, Minnesota – just minutes away from the Mall of America. However Read More