Plastics effects on waterways and wildlife
From grocery bags to coffee lids and food containers, we are surrounded by plastic in our daily lives. Our trash makes up the majority of what eventually becomes aquatic debris, polluting our waterways and oceans. And we throw a lot away. It is estimated that in 30 years plastic litter will outweigh all fish in our oceans. Plastic not only pollutes our waterways, it endangers wildlife. Over 1 million marine animals die each year from plastic debris in our oceans.

How does plastic get into our waterways?
Because it is lightweight and floats, even plastic correctly disposed of can make its way out of our landfills and into lakes, rivers, and oceans. Through wind and rain, a plastic bag thrown away in Minnesota can make its way into our local streams and rivers. These plastics then flow through larger rivers, eventually reaching our oceans where it is joined by debris from coastal cities and beaches. Unfortunately, plastic waste never fully biodegrades, it simply breaks down into tiny particles called microplastics which continue to pollute our waterways indefinitely.

What can I do to save wildlife?
You can help save wildlife by pledging to Reduce Single Use! Commit to reduce your plastic consumption by using reusable bags. Follow these easy steps:

  • Take the pledge at the bottom of the page and Reduce Single Use by choosing reusable bags!
  • Share that you took the pledge with your friends using #IWillReuse #mnzoo
  • Snap a photo of when you use a reusable bag and tag us @mnzoo

The Pledge
I pledge to use reusable bags while shopping to help save wildlife.